Rank: Captains
Type Rating: B737NG\MAX
Term: 3 year renewable
Location: Commuting available
Upgrade: n/a
Status: Available Now
Korean Air
Simulator Training
Longreach Aviation has access to the most advanced and extensive fleet of full motion flight simulators in the region. These simulators have as standard state of the art visual fidelity, motion and sound. This allows crew to be trained in all aspects of normal and non-normal operations; including instrument approaches and landings in all weather […]
Airline Simulator Preparation
Longreach Aviation is aware that many potential candidates for airline positions are concerned with the practical aspect of the airline interview. Study ‘Handling the Big Jets’ all you want, but we all know how you fly the sim during the evaluation is the most important part of the interview, and the part most likely to […]
Executive Management
Executive Management Positions Longreach Aviation is in the process of forming a new division specifically to focus on the recruitment and deployment of experienced aviation management personnel. More information will be coming shortly, so please keep an eye on our website for further details. If you consider yourself an experienced manager, and would like to […]